Category: Award Categories

Explore “Mysteries of Human Memory” with previous award winners

As part of the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Grawemeyer Awards, the University of Louisville is offering a discussion on “Mysteries of Human Memory” with former Grawemeyer Award in Psychology winners and prominent scientists Elizabeth Loftus, James McGaugh and Lynn Nadel. The event, which is free and open to the public, will consist of short […]

Symposium addresses innovative approaches to education

Innovative approaches to education will be explored as former Grawemeyer Award in Education winners Carol Gilligan, Pasi Sahlberg and Vanessa Siddle Walker—all internationally renowned experts—come together on Oct. 15 to share their thoughts, ideas and research. UofL alumnus and journalist Bob Edwards will moderate the symposium that begins at 5 p.m., Comstock Hall, University of […]

Grawemeyer celebration to feature an exploration of religion and race in America with panel of nationally recognized former Grawemeyer Award recipients

As part of the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Grawemeyer Awards, the Black Church Studies program of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will present “Race, Faith & Community,” an exploration of religion and race in America with presentations by two Grawemeyer Award in Religion winners and two prominent activists. The programs will take place on […]