Category: Award Categories

1996 – Max Singer and Aaron Wildavsky

For the first time, the major world powers share a commitment to democracy. By working together, they eventually will encourage other nations toward democracy and, ultimately, peace. This is one of the predictions by Max Singer and the late Aaron Wildavsky, authors of The Real World Order: Zones of Peace/Zones of Turmoil. The ideas presented […]

1996 – Ivan Tcherepnin

A concerto written by composer Ivan Tcherepnin for violinist Lynn Chang and cellist Yo-Yo Ma captured the 1996 award. Tcherepnin’s “Double Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Orchestra,” a 23-minute work premiered by the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras June 3, 1995, was selected from 173 entries to receive the $150,000 Grawemeyer prize. Tcherepnin described the […]

1995 – Diana L. Eck

An author who interpreted her experiences as a Christian encountering God through dialogue with other major world religions has earned the 1995 award. The award is given jointly by the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the University of Louisville. Diana L. Eck, a Harvard University professor of comparative religion and Indian studies, won for her […]

1995 – Gareth Evans

The end of the Cold War has left many nations struggling to develop foreign policies to help maintain a new world order. Former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans has presented ideas that could quicken the process. Evans’ ideas were laid out in an article, “Cooperative Security and Intra-State Conflict,” in the fall 1994 issue of […]

1995 – John Adams

John Adams “Violin Concerto” was commissioned by the Minnesota Orchestra, the New York City Ballet and the London Symphony Orchestra. The Minnesota Orchestra, under conductor Edo de Waart and featuring violinist Jorja Fleezanis, performed its world premiere Jan. 19, 1994. Composed in three movements, the 33-minute work is a free-flowing showpiece for violin that changes […]

1994 – Stephen L. Carter

A law professor whose book asks hard questions about how separation of church and state often dismisses the importance of religious beliefs has earned the 1994 award. Yale University professor Stephen L. Carter, renowned for his study of constitutional law, won the award for his 1993 book The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and […]

1994 – Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, was named the winner of the 1994 Award for Ideas Improving World Order. Gorbachev was chosen to receive the award in Spring 1994 but, due to scheduling conflicts, was unable to come to Louisville to present his ideas until October 5, 1995. Gorbachev was honored for his December […]

1994 – Toru Takemitsu

Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu won the 1994 Award for Music Composition for his work “Fantasma/Cantos.” The work was commissioned by the British Broadcasting Corp. for the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra premiered the work Sept. 14, 1991. Takemitsu described the work as being “influenced by Japanese landscape gardens in the ‘go-round’ style. You walk […]

1993 – Elizabeth A. Johnson

An author whose work explores feminist theological interpretation has earned the 1993 award. Elizabeth A. Johnson, associate professor in the Department of Theology at Fordham University, won the award for her book, She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse. In the book, which was published in 1992, Johnson addresses a critical […]

1993 – Donald Harman Akenson

Ireland, South Africa and Israel may seem worlds apart. But similarities among groups in these politically troubled countries help explain why they cannot maintain peace within their borders. The similarities also can help predict the events that lie ahead, says Donald Harman Akenson, winner of the 1993 award. In his 1992 book, God’s Peoples: Covenant […]