Winners of 2019 awards to be announced in early December

The University of Louisville and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will announce the 2019 winners of four Grawemeyer Awards the first week in December, 2018.

UofL presents the annual prizes for innovative ideas and works in music composition, world order, psychology and education and gives a religion prize jointly with the seminary. Award recipients will be named at 10 a.m. EST on the following dates:

Music Composition, Dec. 3
Ideas Improving World Order, Dec. 4
Psychology, Dec. 5
Religion, Dec. 7

No education award will be given this year, said Marion Hambrick, an associate professor in UofL’s College of Education and Human Development who directs the award. “We received some excellent nominations, but jurors could not single out an idea likely to advance our field in a highly significant way,” he said. “As a result, we decided to wait until 2020 to give the next prize.”

All 2019 award recipients will visit Louisville in April to accept their $100,000 prizes and give free talks about their winning ideas.