** Special Announcement for Potential Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition Composers and Sponsors
Since the entrance requirements remain essentially the same from year to year you can look at the requirements for the 2010 Award under “How To Enter” to see what is needed for an entry package. The deadline for submission will likely be the 2nd or 3rd Monday in January, 2010, with works premiered between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2009 being eligible for entry. However, note that the official requirements, when announced, will be binding and will supersede this posting if there are any differences.
We hope this won’t cause any serious inconvenience and we look forward to another strong pool of applicants for the 2011 Award.
The announcement of the 2010 winner should take place as scheduled, in late November or early December of this year, with the presentation being made in April of 2010.