Category: Award Categories
James H. Cone, winner of religion award, dies at 79
James H. Cone, winner of the 2018 Grawemeyer Award in Religion, died on April 28. He was 79. Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary President Michael Jinkins sent out the following message to the seminary community: Dear friends, I am deeply saddened to relay the news from President Serene Jones of Union Seminary, New York, that Dr. James […]
JoAnne Marie Terrell gives presentation at Louisville Seminary
On April 10, JoAnne Marie Terrell, Associate Professor of Theology, Ethics and the Arts at Chicago Theological Seminary, presented the 2018 Grawemeyer Religion Award lecture on behalf of Dr. James H. Cone, who was unable to come to Louisville. Terrell is an expert in black theology, a former doctoral student of Dr. Cone and author […]
Winners give presentations in Louisville
Winners of the 2018 Grawemeyer Awards were in Louisville April 10-12 to give free, public presentations about their award-winning ideas. Here’s a recap of what they said and what we learned. See story.
2018 winner presentations will be in April
The 2018 winners of the Grawemeyer Award will be in Louisville in April to give free, public presentations about their award-winning ideas. Here’s the schedule: April 10 – Scott Straus, Ideas Improving World Order, Chao Auditorium in Ekstrom Library, 1 p.m. April 10 – Sara Goldrick-Rab, Education, Chao Auditorium in Ekstrom Library, 5 p.m. April […]
Robert Sternberg wins Grawemeyer Award for Psychology
Robert Sternberg’s “successful intelligence” idea aims to broaden how students are tested and taught. Sternberg, a professor of human development, was selected for the prize for his view that intelligence encompasses several components that help people succeed in different ways in their own environments. Read More…
James Cone wins 2018 Grawemeyer Award in Religion
In The Cross and the Lynching Tree (Orbis Books, 2011), renowned theologian James H. Cone passionately conjoins the provocative images of the first-century cross and the twentieth-century lynching tree. His work and ideas have earned him the 2018 Grawemeyer Award in Religion. Read More…
Scott Straus wins Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order
Political science professor and author Scott Straus has won the 2018 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order for his 2015 book, “Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa.” Read More…
Bent Sorensen wins Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition
Danish composer Bent Sorensen has won the 2018 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition for a triple concerto. The piece, L’isola della Città (The Island in the City), is for violin, cello and piano soloists and is played continuously in five movements. Read more
2018 Grawemeyer Award winners to be announced
The University of Louisville and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will announce the 2018 winners of five Grawemeyer Awards beginning Nov. 27. UofL presents the annual prizes for innovative ideas and outstanding works in music composition, world order, psychology and education and gives a religion prize jointly with Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Recipients will be named on […]